Write 5x Faster with AI-Powered Voice Writing

Speak your mind, and let our AI fix your grammar

Woman using laptop for voice writing

Perfect for Writing:

Blog posts
Social media

How it Works

Step 1: Speak Your Thoughts

Our advanced speech recognition AI captures your words with precision, even when they're not perfect. Simply express your ideas naturally—no filter needed.

Step 1 illustration

Step 2: Our AI Perfects Your Grammar

Our powerful grammar AI transforms your spoken words into polished, error-free text. Easily copy and paste your writing into any platform, whether it's an email, blog post, or Slack message.

Step 2 illustration


14-Day Free Trial

Pay as you go, no subscription

1 Month


3 Months


Save 22%

12 Months


Save 47%

Data and Privacy

  • Your data is stored securely on our servers. We may use your text transcripts to improve the accuracy of our language models and provide you with a better experience.
  • We will never store original audio recordings from your microphone.
  • We work with third-party service providers to process your data. These providers are carefully selected and must follow strict security measures.